Sunday 8 February 2009

Why have our men become so weak?

The last week has been one of reflection, regret and remorse for many of those touched by the tragedy of a devout and well-known elder of the Muslim community, who driven to the depths of darkness due to family problems hung himself in an outdoor store-room in Victoria Park Mosque, Manchester. The pain of this unfathomable suicide... of a Muslim... in a mosque... leads on to question and point fingers... but to whom?

This tragedy will scar our community forever - but women, take heed... don't treat your menfolk so badly that they lose courage to stand up for what they believe in; Menfolk, take heed - don't let the injustices and atrocious behaviour of your women let you lose your self-worth. Be strong, and courageous.

  • Why have our men become so weak?
  • Why can't they stand up for themselves?
  • Muslim comedian Azhar Usman made a satirical joke about the Muslim women being the terrorists in the home while the men are oppressed (ie contrary to western opinion) - is it a joke, or reality?
  • Ustadah Hedaya Hartford once mentioned that the women don't want their menfolk to act like men anymore, and they have ended up with husbands who act more like women. Then they (women) complain that their men are not "manly" enough.

Dr Laura's blog-post sums up Why Men Choose to Be Wusses

"Well, basically the problem is that most men today are afraid of their women. Their wives can nag them into a grave and or cut ‘em off from any affection, attention, appreciation and sex. That’s pretty powerful stuff. And then women wonder why they don’t have passion and respect for their men.

A Male listener:

“If only it were a matter of putting our collective foot down and simply demand respect, most of us men, husbands and fathers, would gladly oblige…stepping up to the plate to shoulder our responsibilities to protect and provide and lead - as we always have. “But when you’re fighting with one arm tied behind your back, skating on a sheet of ice as the rules continually change without notice, there’s little chance of success.

“So, we back off, uncertain even of what it means to be a man; confused about what is expected, further unsure about what we will be allowed to do."

Read the rest of: Why Men Choose to Be Wusses

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