Saturday, 7 February 2009

Dr Laura: "In sickness and in health, till death do us part".

Dr Laura writes in her book of a fireman who wrote in to her show to tell her an amazing story. The fireman was talking about how on a hot day at the beach, when you are wearing a thick pullover sweater you feel so suffocated. All you want to do is to take that sweater off so you can be at peace again.

Then he talks about how he is a fireman, and as a part of his job, he has to wear this HEAVY THICK fire proof gear, which literally acts to save his life. Wen he is in a fire and he is putting it out, he feels so suffocated. He is wearing a heavy mask, and heavy clothes. Its difficult to walk, breath, etc. but...

Does he ever consider to take off his gear? No way. These clothes are what are keeping him alive.

So, he carries on doing his tremendous task of putting out the fire, with all his heavy burden. The point he makes is that he knows that it is not even an option to take off the gear. That is why it is never even considered.

People split up and get divorced ONLY because they consider it an option; If they knew that there was no option, they would get over the fact that they have a burden and keep on going on with their difficult task.

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