The Balance of Yin and Yang
By Susie Heath, Essence of Womanhood
"This ancient Chinese Tai-chi symbol from the Taoist tradition represents the balance of male and female energy. Yin is the female energy - the dark, hidden, internal, just as our sexual organs are hidden away. Yang is the male energy - the light, warm, visible, the external, just as his sexual organs are outside and visible. Yin is empty, secret and cold wanting to be filled and is represented by the earth; Yang is hot, full of passion and is represented by the sun."
"Problems arise when we overdevelop one set of energies that is not our true essence, and under-develop the other; the dynamic gets distorted and it harms us at a very deep level. So when we take on the same energy as a man, we lose that intimacy, passion, desire, tenderness and creativity in our personal relationships"
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