Tuesday 10 February 2009

Make a Wish.... Watch It Come True...

Here's a treasure right out of The Surrendered Wife and The Secret; Express your desires and watch them come true...

Here's what to do:

  1. Get a piece of paper, and title it: "Wish List", or print one here,
  2. Write down all your immediate wishes! Examples of current wishes could be: To go on a date with dh, To have some DIY repairs done in the house, To go for a ramble over the weekend, A new battery for the laptop, A lovely new watch.....
  3. Display your Wish List somewhere where you dh can see it, (perhaps on the fridge?)
  4. Sit back and let the laws of the universe do their thing!

The trick here is to express you desires - to make them known - without having any expectation of who is going to meet them, and how they will be met.

Most probably, if your dh sees this innocent looking list which comes with no nags attached, he may well be tempted to browse on the net for a new restaurant, or even pick up that screwdriver when he has a few moments to spare!

This article was inspired by K.A.S x

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