Monday 13 July 2009

What Men See in Women

Surrendering to the Feminine

By Susie Heath, Essence of Womanhood

"Men’s ideas of feminine perfection are different from our ideas. What we admire in women is rarely attractive to men, and yet what we ignore or condemn in other women are sometimes just the characteristics that make her fascinating to men. How blind we are to our own charms!"

"While we’re inclined to appreciate poise, talent, intelligence, cleverness and artistic beauty such as the shape of the face and nose, and of course clothes, men have a different set of values. They appreciate girlishness, tenderness, sweetness and vivacity, and place more importance on a feminine manner, on that sparkle in the eyes, smiles, freshness and radiance."

"So am I saying we need to become simpering, weak and feeble? Not at all! Men don’t want a pathetic specimen that they can push around; they seek women with an inner passion, someone with an inner fire and dignity. A dynamic woman is really attractive because she creates energy which he can feast on. So don’t be cajoled into thinking that femininity translates to weakness. Our feminine side is a force that can conquer all."

Read the rest of the book excerpt here:

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