Saturday 14 February 2009

Fascinating Phrases

Ok Dearies,
Let's try and muster out some fascinating sentences that will make him grin from ear to ear.
I know it's soppy.
Practice in the mirror if you want - I don't care how you do it - just try and say at least one fascinating compliment, request, or child-like anger at least once a day...
Can you handle it?
On Complimenting:
  • I know I can always rely on you to solve my problems! You see, it may be such a small thing to you, but it's such a BIG PROBLEM for me! Thanks so much for being there for me! :)
  • You're such a noble and honourable person. Always wanting to do the right thing. :)
  • [his name here] [his name here] He's our man! if he cant do it, no one can!lol.
  • I'm so proud of you.
  • It's wonderful to know that such a strong and rugged man can be so tender and gentle in the home.
  • You're the kindest and most caring man I know.
  • It's lovely to be so well looked after.
  • I cant believe you got [this present] for me! I've always wanted one of these!
  • You work so hard and go to such great lengths just make our family happy. We appreciate that so much.
  • I can't believe you are doing all this just to provide for us. :)
On asking:

  • I want to ask you for an absolutely HUGE favour! Please can you [fill in your own blank] for me? :)
  • Look totally helpless and ask him to do things for you, and then take a big sigh, and say " Thanks, That would have been so hard for me to do... :)

On Being Upset:

  • Your such a mean thing!
  • Your such a bully!
  • Your always saying mean things to me!
  • You could be nice if you wanted. Your normally always so nice, today your just being a monster!

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Inspired by A x
Can't even muster out an "I Love You"? :)

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