Saturday 14 February 2009

The Fascinating Woman Blog

"I'm just a flighty little nymph of a fairy seeking to bring some cheerfulness and sunshine to the world. "

"I have read Fascinating Womanhood by Helen Andelin several times. Occasionally when it hasn't been handy or I wanted more information I have gone onto the internet and searched for more information. What comes up is always disparaging, cruel remarks, put-downs and mockery. Except for the few places where whole chapters are uploaded verbatim - which while not bad does not give me the additional insight I was hoping for.Therefore, after many fruitless searches, I decided that I would fill the need.I want you to know that I understand the way the modern woman may balk at the philosophy of Fascinating Womanhood because I went through the same resistance. The reason I have become an advocate is because it works."

"Inclined as you may be to scoff, I know my happy marriage is a result of living the principles as Helen Andelin outlined them. I strongly encourage you to get a copy of this book - though you can follow along with this blog just as well.
Additionally, I'm happy to report that the new edition of the book, released in 2007, was edited for much of the wording that is offensive to modern women, though the principles remain the same."

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